
If you have ever followed us on Facebook, you may remember that we used to occasionally share tech tips. We are now going to share some on our blog too.  Here are a few we have shared in the past-

If you are working with styrofoam, do not use polyester or vinyl ester resin. The styrene in the polyester or vinyl ester resin will melt it. Use epoxy resin.

Chopped strand mat is not compatible with epoxy resin. The chopped strand mat is held together by a styrene binder.  The epoxy will not dissolve the binder. Use polyester or vinyl ester resin.

Instead of having to buy a finishing resin, you can make your own. Just add surfacing agent/ surface seal to polyester or vinyl ester resin at a 5% mix ratio. Mix well. Surfacing agent is a wax that is dissolved in styrene. As the resin cures, the wax will float to the surface. This will inhibit the resin from contacting the air and will give you a tack free finish.

When working with resin you will want to be in a well ventilated area. Polyester resin, vinyl ester resin and gel coats give off strong fumes. Wear a safety mask and gloves when working with all resins. Resin and MEKP need to be handled with care.

If you have any questions, email us at sales@fiberglasswarehouse.com or visit our website at www.fiberglasswarehouse.com

By Dallin Leach 0 comment


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