
Beginners and first time users of gel coat, a popular choice for giving surfaces a smooth and glossy finish, can sometimes come across a few problems when applying it. This post is continuing our series of troubleshooting that describe the different issues and remedies for various issues. In this part, we discuss causes and solutions to fading gel coat and fiberglass patterns showing through on composite parts.

Fading-also see water spotting Poorly Cured Gel coat uneven Check catalyst levels and film thickness-18± 12 mils}.
Improper cleaners or chemicals Do not use strong alkaline or acidic cleaners.
Fiber pattern in parts Insufficient cure Correct excessive or insufficient catalyst level in gel coat and/or laminate. Wait longer before pulling. Do not pull while laminate still has heat. Check for low temperature.
Transferred from mold Check for contamination by water, oil or solvent. Refinish
Glass cloth Too close to the gel coat. Should have 2 layers of cured 1.5 oz.
mat or equivalent chop between gel coat and cloth.
Woven roving Too close to the gel coat. Should have 3 layers of cured 1.5 oz. mat or
equivalent chop between gel coat and woven roving. Use 18 I+ 2)
mils, wet.
Gel coat too thin Cure laminate slower. Laminate in stages.
High exotherm of laminate Use lower exotherm laminating resin.

Click below for the other parts in our Gel Coat Troubleshooting Guide-

Part 1- Dull and Soft Spots

Part 3- Alligatoring, Blisters and De-lamination

Part 4- Cracks, Fisheyes, Pinholes, Sags and Runs

By Dallin Leach 0 comment


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