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It is often important to apply a seal coat before adding a flood coat. Whether you're working with wood or other porous surfaces, understanding this crucial step will ensure your final product looks polished and professional. A seal coat will seal holes/pores and prevent air bubbles from forming. Applying a seal coat to a table top or bar top is a simple procedure.
Step 1 - Mix up a small quantity of ProGlas 1000 Epoxy resin. (1 Gallon will cover 48 sqft seal coat.)
Step 2 - Pour epoxy onto surface.
Step 3 - Spread with a foam brush, or foam roller, or a bristle roller. Coat all surfaces evenly.
Step 4 - Allow to cure.
You don't need to worry about the epoxy being completely level (even though it should self level pretty well). The following flood coat will level it all off, leaving a perfect surface. Apply the flood coat 4 hours after the seal coat.

I didn’t get product mixed properly and it is not getting hard. Is there anyway to fix this? Also what can be used to clean or remove resign?
REPLY from fgwarehouse: You can try acetone. It won’t be easy.