
Randy from Manitoba needed to re-do his RV's roof with fiberglass and plywood. The roof had seen better days and was in need of waterproofing. First he added a layer of plywood to the roof and then added fiberglass and resin over top of it. Check out below to see a list of materials he used and some pictures of the process.

Here is a list of materials he purchased:

  1. Pro Glas 1100/1200/1300 Epoxy Resin- Part A - Gallon (#100120110)
  2. Pro Glas 2:1 Epoxy Hardener- Part B (2:1 mix ratio) - Medium, 1/2 Gallon (#100220509)
  3. 6 Ounce Fiberglass Tape (50 yard rolls) – 4" (#154R4)
  4. Deluxe Rollers- Aluminum - 3/4" x 6" (#674756A)
  5. 4 Inch Spreader - 6" (#657G)
  6. 4 oz. Fiberglass Fabric- Type #1522 (50 inch width) (#1523750)

Since Randy's main goal was to waterproof the roof, he went with the Pro Glas 1200. Fiberglass RV Roof.  Epoxy is the best resin for waterproofing.  The UV protection in the resin will also slow the yellowing of the resin.  Here are a few photos of him laying down the plywood and the finished roof.

Have questions about fiberglassing your RV roof? Reach out to us today at sales@fiberglasswarehouse.com !


By Dallin Leach 2 comment


comments (2)

  • Joseph Austin

    One of my exterior fiberglass panels on my Travel trailer got caught on a tree limb. It broke a 4.4 foot by 10 foot section of the fiberglass off. Can I use mat and resin to replace the section of panel with and if I can will you email me the list and cost please.

    REPLY from fgwarehouse: How thick is the fiberglass panel? If it is .025″, then you want 3/4 oz. If it is .05″, then it is 1.5 oz material. You will need 5 yards x 50″ to cover the area. And a gallon of GP laminating resin. Are you planning on gel coating it?

  • Albert Cusson

    I have a about 40 ft fifth wheel needing to replace roof many soft spots also have sun roof above shower wanting to remove and cover with plywood I read this web page and I see the RV was covered with all new plywood the old can you please inform me how I should do this I want to cover with fiberglass thanks

    REPLY from fgwarehouse: Fiberglassing an RV roof is easy. What are the dimensions and I can get you a list of materials.

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