
When it comes to custom car projects, creativity knows no bounds—and Al from East Coast Gull Wings just proved that with his incredible work on a classic Gull Wing. Using our fiberglass chopped strand mat, ISO polyester resin, vinyl ester resin, and Partall #10, Al crafted stunning custom parts that took his project to the next level.

If you’re a fiberglass enthusiast, part of the DIY crowd, or simply a car lover, you don't want to miss these photos.

We love seeing our customer projects.  If you have photos of a project you completed using our products, email them to sales@fiberglasswarehouse.com for a 10% off coupon code.

**We often get questions about whether we sell gull wing kits. We do not but we carry raw materials such as fiberglass and resin to create molds and fiberglass parts. Have questions? Reach out to us at sales@fiberglasswarehouse.com

By Dallin Leach 3 comment


comments (3)

  • Niels

    On wich Body we can mount this kit?
    And what are the cost of the total bodykit

  • Fiberglass Warehouse

    @Chris- Unfortunately, we do not sell the gullwings. We only sell the raw materials for customization.

  • Chris

    More detail and price please.

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